Piloga Wednesday

Category: Mind & Body
Course No. 5049
Sessions: 10, Wednesday 7.30pm - 8.30pm. 
Fee: €100
Piloga is a fusion of gentle yoga stretches and Pilates postures that calms the mind while invigorating the body. Taking the best from both practices, it focuses on developing muscle strength, specifically to the core and back, deepens flexibility and improves balance and co-ordination. You will experience relief from stress, and body tension, including neck, shoulder or back pain, bringing you a more restful sleep and feeling of well-being. Piloga will leave you looking toned and feeling revitalised. Suitable for beginners. Limited class size. (Bring a thick mat, large towel and bottle of water).

Contact Us

Scoil Mhuire Community School
Adult Education Department
Co. Kildare

Tel: 045 868255
Email: info@clanesm.com
Web: www.clanesm.com