Level 5 Component Code 5N1610 - Certified by QQI
Explore the different types of departments and examine the main functions of management and the role and impact of Human Resource management in an organization.
Examine a range of recruitment options and current employment rights legislation.
Learn about the need for Quality Assurance systems and the various techniques used to ensure quality in different types of organisations.
Learn about financial controls.
Explore Insurance requirements also learn how to implement and adhere to an organisations systems and procedures.
Learn how to process a range of business documentation and use a range of hardware and software to provide administrative support.
This module is an elective component in the Major Award “Office Administration Skills” and a mandatory component in “Business Administration Skills".
Progression route:
Employment within the Business, Finance, Administration and Marketing sectors. Progression to 3rd level courses through the Higher Education Links Scheme (HELS)